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Local Lutheran High School
LCMS District office for Northern WI and the U.P.
Sister church & local Lutheran School
Pre-K-8th grade
LCMS North Wisconsin
District Christian camp
LCMS college undergraduate and graduate programs
Seminary providing graduate level
theological educaton Ft. Wayne, IN
Seminary providing graduate level
theological educaton St. Louis, MO
Official website of the Lutheran
Womens Missionary League
Official publisher of LCMS
A ministry of U.S. Lutherans, serving
communities living in poverty overseas
LCMS Christian outreach ministry: radio,TV, internet
and print communications
LCMS radio, programs, bible studies and music
Lutheran Christ-focused talk radio
The Lutheran Witness online media
LCMS resource that is used to explain the Scriptures'
& essential teachings on God, Jesus, salvation, and
the Christian life
The Holy Bible available in many versions & languages   
Paul Kretzmann's Popular
Commentary of the Bible
A faith-based, not-for-profit financial service    
fundraising - a percentage of each card
purchased goes to the church