St Jakobi uses the orders of service found in the 2006 Lutheran Service Book of The Lutheran
Church Missouri Synod. Divine Service settings three and four are used. We follow the 3-Year
Lectionary of the LCMS. The Lord’s Supper is normally offered on the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sunday
and the 2nd, 4th, & 5th Saturday of every month.
Order of Worship
Our worship services reflect the promises God gives us through His Word. The reason we call it
a worship “service” is that God serves us with His love and grace. Here is a basic outline for
how our worship services flow.
 – We invoke (call upon) God’s name (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) to remember
that we are baptized into His name.
Music and Hymns
 – The music and hymns in our services all center on what God has done for
us through His Son’s life, death and resurrection. We sing in order to worship Him and praise
Him, and to remind and encourage each other of all He has done for us.
Confession and Absolution
 – We take time to openly admit our sinfulness and our need for a
Savior. Then we receive God’s forgiveness for the sake of Jesus, who won that forgiveness for
us by His death and resurrection.
 – “Kyrie” means “Lord.” It is short back-and-forth prayer asking for God’s mercy.
Scripture Readings – Our readings from Holy Scripture are a cornerstone of our worship service.
Through His Word, God is present with us. God’s Word is a means He uses to give us His grace.
The Bible isn’t just about God – it is the living, breathing voice of God who speaks to us today!
 – We confess one of the historical, ecumenical Creeds of the church at each service. We
are confessing what we believe and showing our connection to the historical church also. The
three Creeds are the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds.
 – Pastor gives a message based on one of the Bible readings for the day. A Lutheran
sermon consists of Law and Gospel. The Law shows us our sin; the Gospel shows us our savior.
The Law convicts us; the Gospel comforts us.
 – We bring our gifts to God out of thankfulness for the richness of His mercy which He
has given to us.
 – God invites us to pray to Him. We pray in order to thank Him, to ask for His mercy,
and to open our hearts to Him.
Holy Communion
 – Jesus has promised to give us His true body and blood in ordinary bread
and wine. When we receive His body and blood in repentant faith, we receive the forgiveness of
our sins, salvation, and eternal life.
 – “Benediction” means “blessing.” This is a short, Scriptural blessing spoken over
the congregation to remind us of God’s power in our lives and His presence with us.
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